Wednesday, January 20, 2010

In The Noise - January 20, 2010

Everybody's making jokes about having to travel in the Los Angeles monsoon in arks, kayaks, canoes, ocean liners, aircraft carriers...

...but it's now gotten even worse. I just saw a Disneyland "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" submarine float by!!!


Viral video of the day: a member of the U.K.'s women's Olympic bobsled team had a "wardrobe" malfunction" as she bent over to launch her sled. Brings a whole new meaning to the expression, "Let her rip!"


$200,000 worth of Red Bull energy drink was reported missing today from a West Tennessee facility of the U.S. Navy.

I'd first check with the U.K. women's Olympic bobsled team.


For the first time since Jan. 19, 1949, a mysterious person who for more than half a century has been marking Edgar Allen Poe's birthday by laying roses and a bottle of cognac at his grave site...did not show up!!

Is the "Poe Toaster" now Post Toastie???


The Los Angeles City Council has unanimously voted to expand a smoking ban to outdoor dining areas.

Which happily leaves smokers with only...telephone booths (and when was the last time you saw one of those????).