The climate alarmists have been fabricating fictions and side-stepping facts labeled as “science” for some nearly 50 years now - and me thinks that should be a paramount concern.
In the 1970’s, they labelled it, “global cooling”, a conjecture that imminent cooling of the Earth's surface and atmosphere was culminating in a period of extensive glaciation (which proved to be wrong). In the 90's it was “hole in the ozone layer” (scientists later revealed the hole was completely natural, and not man made. And then it “healed” itself). Then in the late 90’s, the alarm became “global warming”, a hypothesis now under great criticism as data has proved to be flawed and manipulated. Now, as the delusional alarmists are realizing there is no real man-created change in the Earth’s long term temperature trends, they have decided to call it "climate change" (that way, however the climate changes, they will never be “wrong”. If it's cold, “climate change”, if it's warm, “climate change”). It’s been slightly over ten years since Al Gore’s predictions of climate Armageddon in the film, “Inconvenient Truth” and the movie’s predictions and assertions have become increasingly and alarmingly inaccurate.
I hate to break it to the unenlightened pseudo-science buffoons, but the climate that the Earth has now, is NOT the way it's always been…nor how it WILL be in the future. (cue: mic drop)
Scientists estimate Earth is 4.54 billion years old, with an error range of 50 million years. Let that sink-in: 4 point 54 BILLION years old. The world’s climate has been constantly changing since day one, through countless terrestrial and extraterrestrial cataclysmic events LONG BEFORE MANKIND EVEN EVOLVED. The climate HAS ALWAYS been changing and WILL ALWAYS be changing - whether humans are here, or not.
Should we be responsible and care for our Earth? Of course. Should we try not to blow it out of existence? I’m in favor of that.
But ~ barring nuclear holocaust ~ does man have the power to seriously change BILLIONS of years of what God, nature or the universe (your choice) has done so far? To believe so is man’s egocentric folly. “Modern man”, a species that has graced this planet for a paltry few hundred thousand years…or LESS THAN 1/4000th of the Earth’s history. Within that, let’s be very generous and say that man has had the scientific knowledge to study the climate for 10,000 years. That’s only 1/400000 (one four-hundred-thousandth) of the Earth’s history: the equivalent of a grain of sand in a sand box; a drop of water in a swimming pool. How arrogant we are to believe we have the perspective or insight to accurately measure, analyze and predict what the Earth’s atmosphere is going to do!
Good luck, scientists, in formulating credible conclusions based on Billions of years of cataclysmic climatic history that profoundly predates you and your species; history you can never truly see, never truly test, nor ever truly or precisely measure or hypothesize about. The climate has always been changing and will always be changing - whether humans are here, or not. Face it! Mankind - in all its dysfunctional glory - means bupkis in terms of impact on the cosmos.
Our civilization has become so self-centered, we have no true proportion of where we stand in cosmic climatic cycles. Scientists are struggling to do their best, but each decade brings new findings, new research and new discoveries that dramatically change the previous scientific data. For some of these interpreters of scientific theories to assume today's hypotheses are "THE answer" to preventing future climate anomalies is nothing short of irrational and irresponsible.
I have no problem doing what we are able to better our planet. But, the doom-and-gloom "End of The World" activists generally have no idea what they are talking about. As previously noted, Al Gore (just one example of many) made multiple outlandish claims that have been proven erroneous. This type of inflammatory rhetoric does science an incredible disservice - as does the flawed reporting by "mainscream media". Not to mention the bloviating politicians, supported by their big money special interest lobbyists.
'Tell you what. When meteorologists start to accurately predict the 10-day weather forecast; provide us with the correct path and magnitude of hurricanes; and can truly forecast extended periods of devastating drought or torrential floods anywhere in the world...then, maybe, they are ready to intelligently examine longer range climatic trends and our impact on them.
But until that time comes, our energy is best spent "here and now" - focusing on the immediate future, which directly affects us, our children and grandchildren, and their children and grandchildren. We need to effectively use science to prevent or give ample warning about impending climatic cataclysms (hurricanes, tornados, droughts and torrential floods). Doing so can save millions of lives "here and now"...and help us learn-by-doing, which can aid our future research.
To quote Eustace conversing with the retired star, Ramandu in The Chronicles of Narnia:
“In our world,” said Eustace, “a star is a huge ball of flaming gas.”
Ramandu's reply:
“Even in your world, my son, that is not what a star is but only what it is made of."
And...from soldier John Winger (Bill Murray) in the motion picture, Stripes:
“That’s the fact, Jack!”